Enrich your text with data annotation tools

Use the artificial intelligence of the Transkribus platform to annotate your documents and enrich them with tags and other metadata.

Tag the text in your images

Tag words or phrases in your images, such as named entities, dates, events, but also places that are hard to read, etc.

Use AI-powered annotation

Let the handwriting and layout recognition tools learn how to annotate your documents for you and assign tags automatically.

Define custom tags and properties

Create your own tags with unlimited properties to enrich your documents with metadata of your choice.

Tag the structure of your documents

Use structural tags like “heading”, “paragraph” or “marginalia” to annotate the structure of your documents.

100 000+

Registered Users

15 000+

HTR AI Models trained

40+ Million

Pages processed


Free Public AI Models

No need for XML editors

Thanks to the browser-based user interface, there is no need for using an external XML editor – assign tags with the help of the convenient graphical user interface.

Prepare your data for digital editions

Transkribus makes it easy to create accessible and user-friendly digital editions of your documents. Annotate your documents with the Transkribus platform’s easy-to-use web interface and then share your document collections online with the help of Transkribus Sites.

Comply with Text Encoding Initiative(TEI) standards

Transkribus supports the creation of TEI-compliant XML documents, which makes it possible to share digital editions with other scholars, collaborate on them, integrate them into larger projects, and sometimes to fulfil grant application requirements.

Enhance the searchability of your documents

Annotating your documents with Transkribus significantly improves the searchability of your material. With the dedicated tag-search feature, you can even narrow down your searches to specific tags, such as names or places.

Enrich your data with named entity linking

The data annotation features of Transkribus allow you to easily enrich your documents with metadata. By linking named entities to authority files like national databases, Wikidata or others, you can enhance the information in your documents and reduce ambiguity.

Start unlocking the past with Transkribus

Leverage the power of Transkribus to get the most out of your historical documents.