Publish your historical documents on the web

Transkribus Sites allows you to easily share your historical documents and provides a rich search interface to access your documents.

Easily share your material

Transkribus Sites is seamlessly integrated with Transkribus and lets you share your transcribed and edited documents on the web.

Enhanced search capabilities

Make searching your documents easy with full-text search with facets, fuzzy search, tag search and smart search

Side-by-side view

Showcase the original source as well as the corresponding transcription side-by-side.

Decide who to share with

Provide access just for members of your collection or for the general public

See how others did it

Amsterdam City Archives

iurisprudentia – Uni Zürich

Recesses of Low German cities

100 000+

Registered Users

15 000+

HTR AI Models trained

40+ Million

Pages processed


Free Public AI Models

Set up your own Site

Transkribus Sites is an easy-to-use and set-up cloud service that frees you from needing to worry about data transfer, server infrastructure, maintenance, etc. Once set up, your documents will be accessible there and you can focus on your actual work. Also, due to the seamless Transribus integration, you can always easily export your data from there – no need to worry about vendor lock-in.
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Publish your own scholarly digital edition

Transkribus offers a range of features that make it easy to turn historical documents into digital editions that are both accessible and user-friendly. Annotate your documents with Transkribus and its easy-to-use web interface. Once your scholarly digital edition is ready, you can share it using Transkribus Sites.
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Provide access to archival material

With Transkribus Sites, you can bring your archive to the web and easily share it either with selected visitors (password-protected) or with anyone. Providing access to your archival material has never been easier.
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Enable easy access to original sources

With Transkribus Sites, you can not only share the transcriptions of your documents but also the images corresponding to the transcriptions. This way, anyone can easily search the full text of your sources while also having access to the images of the original sources.
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Leverage the search capabilities of Transkribus Sites

In addition to the full-text search option of Transkribus Sites, you can also enable Fuzzy Search (standard) or Smart Search (optional) to improve the search experience. Furthermore, the optional tag search lets your visitors search for specific tags.
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Start unlocking the past with Transkribus

Leverage the power of Transkribus to get the most out of your historical documents.