Transkribus Scholarship Programme

The Transkribus Scholarship Programme is designed to encourage and support future scholars as this is one of our core values. With this programme we want to facilitate the research in historical documents.
The programme is open to students and teachers from any programme or discipline. Through this global programme you can get free credits to use for the Handwritten Text Recognition technology in Transkribus. Transkribus Scholarships are granted based on projects, this means that you need to apply with a specific project that you plan to spend the credtis of your Scholarship on.


Projects supported







For Students

With a Transkribus Scholarship you can get free credit packages for Transkribus handwritten text recognition for your thesis project. Just send us a short description of the bachelor, master or PhD project you are working on and provide some background information about yourself.

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For Teachers

To help the next generation of digital scholars as much as we can, we also aim to support those who teach them with free credits. Feel free to send us a short description of your current or upcoming course, webinar, programme or workshop, regardless of the kind of school, university or event, and provide some background information about yourself.

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CLARIAH-AT Scholarship

With a Transkribus CLARIAH-AT scholarship junior researchers in the area of Digital Humanities (DH) based in Austria can get free credit packages for (handwritten) text recognition for their thesis and individual project (without 3rd party funding).

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Start unlocking the past with Transkribus

Leverage the power of Transkribus to get the most out of your historical documents.