Transkribus User Conference '24

The future of information extraction

15 & 16 February 2024 | Innsbruck, Austria & Online

Tickets Programme FAQs Venue

Unlocking history with data extraction

Join us at the Transkribus User Conference 2024 in Innsbruck to delve deep into the digital renaissance of historical materials. From intricate layouts of ancient manuscripts to the complex nuances of bygone texts, we invite visionaries, scholars, and enthusiasts to share their transformative approaches and breakthroughs. Embark on a journey that bridges historical authenticity with modern innovation, and play a role in reshaping our rich textual legacy for the digital realm.

Get your TUC24 Tickets

TUC24 Pass

Full access to all TUC24 sessions

Including conference dinner

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TUC24 Virtual Pass

Enjoy the TUC24 right from where you are

Livestream of all plenary sessions

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For READ-COOP members virtual ticekts are free and in-person tickets are heavily discounted (-83%).


The detailed programme will be added soon


A highlight of any conference, the Keynotes at TUC24 promise enlightening insights from two distinct perspectives. First, we have a renowned researcher in the field, ready to delve deep into the intricacies of information extraction, sharing their extensive expertise and knowledge. Following this, a member from the Transkribus Team takes the stage, offering an inside look into the journey, developments, and vision of Transkribus.

Lightning Talks (10 mins)

Short, swift, and striking. Lightning Talks are a unique platform for sharing innovative projects or findings related to Transkribus in a concise format. In just 5 minutes, present your work followed by an engaging 5-minute Q&A session. Whether you're a seasoned expert or a budding enthusiast, this format allows you to shed light on your most impactful insights.

Poster Presentations

For those who believe in the power of visual communication, Poster Presentations are your canvas. Articulate your research, ideas, or projects related to Transkribus in a visually engaging manner. This format fosters informal discussions, piquing curiosity, and encouraging connections between participants.

Scholarship Presentations (15 min)

A platform to highlight the academic rigor in the realm of Transkribus. Scholarship Presentations invite students and educators to shed light on their unique projects or experiences. Whether it's groundbreaking research or an innovative teaching method, this format offers a space to recognise and reward excellence.

Round Tables (60 mins)

Fostering a deep dive into the complexities of information extraction, Round Tables provide a collaborative space. Here, the Transkribus community can thoroughly discuss methodologies, challenges, and the road ahead. This interactive format promotes cooperative discourse and paves the way for collaborative solutions.

Workshops (120 mins)

Whether you're a novice eager to learn or an expert ready to share, Workshops cater to all. These sessions provide a hands-on experience that varies from foundational teachings to specialised insights about Transkribus and its applications. Be ready to dive deep, experiment, and enhance your skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Transkribus User Conference is a unique global event that brings together researchers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines to explore the future of handwritten text recognition and related fields. This year's conference will feature product updates, demos, and lectures from top experts in the field, all focused on pushing the boundaries of what is currently possible with handwritten text processing technologies. In addition, all plenary sessions of the conference will be available for viewing on demand after the event has concluded, making it easy for anyone interested in this rapidly growing area to keep up to date with the latest developments. Whether you're an established expert or simply curious about this exciting new field, the Transkribus User Conference is sure to provide you with valuable insights.

This year's conference will take place on 15 and 16 February in Innsbruck, Austria. To accommodate participants who are unable to attend in person, all plenary talks will also be streamed live online so that everyone can participate from wherever they may be. The Transkribus User Conference is a live event that will be hosted at the historical main building of the University of Innsbruck. This stately and imposing structure serves as a fitting backdrop for an event focused on historical research and transcription technologies. Located centrally in the heart of Innsbruck, the Innrain 52 address provides quick and easy access to all attendees, making it an ideal location for presenters and attendees alike.

The Transkribus User Conference is an annual event open to everyone with a particular interest in historical documents, digital humanities, and handwritten text recognition. The conference is curated for users from different fields, countries, and user levels. Transkribus User Conference offers an opportunity for like-minded individuals to collaborate and learn from one another. Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights into the latest research, developments, and applied projects. In addition, the conference provides a platform for networking and exchanging ideas with fellow attendees. If you are passionate about the latest developments in the field, the Transkribus User Conference is definitely the event for you.

You can sign up for TUC24 by purchasing a TUC Ticket, which is either an In-Person pass or a virtual one.

Transkribus User Conference content will be available to digital access pass holders at their convenience. You will be able to access livestreams of the plenary session and select workshops. A list of livestreamed sessions can be found on the detailed programme page. Virtual pass holders will be able to view these sessions as they happen or watch them at a later time. Transkribus hopes that this year's digital access offerings will allow even more people to participate in the Transkribus User Conference and learn about cutting-edge technology and concrete projects in the field of handwritten text recogniton.

The conference offers a wide range of sessions, covering topics such as transcription, machine learning, and digital humanities and other academic fields. And of course, there will also be plenty of chances to network with other Transkribus users. Best of all, your TUC pass gives you full access to all sessions as well as the conference dinner on Thursday February 15.

At the Transkribus User Conference, there will be a number of social events that provide opportunities for attendees to connect and network with others in their field. On the first evening of the conference, there will be an informal gathering that provides a chance to get settled in Innsbruck, unwind, and get to know one another in a relaxed atmosphere. During the first day of the conference, there will also be several opportunities for attendees to expand their professional networks and share insights with their peers. The real highlight of the event, however, is undoubtedly the conference dinner, which offers networking at its finest as attendees have a chance to make meaningful connections over a delicious meal alongside colleagues from around the world. Finally, even after our time together comes to an end on Friday, we will continue building relationships through a group activity on Saturday that will allow us all to enjoy nature while forging new bonds with our fellow researchers and users of Transkribus. For the virtual pass holders, too, there will be opportunities to connect with like-minded people during virtual networking sessions.

If you're interested in attending the Transkribus User Conference, we suggest booking a hotel in the heart of the alps with some of the well known booking platforms. Innsbruck is a beautiful city with plenty to do and see, and the Transkribus User Conference will provide you with an opportunity to learn more about it and take in the sights. Following is a list of hotels we can recommend:

The venue

The Transkribus User Conference is a live event that will be hosted at the historical main building of the University of Innsbruck. This stately and imposing structure serves as a fitting backdrop for an event focused on historical research and transcription technologies. Located centrally in the heart of Innsbruck, the Innrain 52 address provides quick and easy access to all attendees, making it an ideal location for presenters and attendees alike.

Start unlocking the past with Transkribus

Leverage the power of Transkribus to get the most out of your historical documents.